Monday, May 12, 2008

Geriatric Appreciation

Sorry it's been a while, but I'm lazy.

Last night (Mother's Day) I enjoyed a chat with my Grandma Ada and as always, picked up some fun tidbits. In describing Yoshi's appearance to her, I figured I would compare him to something she knew, coyotes. Living on or near a farm in Texas or Kansas for her entire life, she certainly knows about coyotes. So, after coyotes came up in conversation, she dropped this interesting tidbit....

The high-chair and rocking horse that were originally purchased for my Aunt Kay over 60 years ago, which have been used by each subsequent child, grandchild (yours truly included), and great-grandchild, were bought using coyote bounties. Apparently Grandpa John collected bounty on coyotes (@ $2 a pop) to earn additional fundage back in the day. He (presumably) shot them, then cut off their ears and tails to take to the county offices for credit, where they would give him money for helping control the "pest" population.

Amazing. While 2 of my grandparents have passed away, the remaining 2 have vast databases of great stories that I really need to hear while they can still tell them. You don't hear great stories about coyote bounties every day. So the lesson is, enjoy your grandparents while you can!

Hopefully I'll have great stories for my grandchildren, but almost certainly they will not be impressed that I bought their high-chair with my debit card... sad.


Laverna said...

You can still go and knock off a couple coyotes just for fun and SAY you used them to buy the highchair . . .

Tat said...

I'm going to be calling her "Bloodlust Laverna" or "Hair-trigger Laverna" or "Trigger-happy" Laverna from now on...

Also, thanks for posting this. I had heard this story before, but to forgot to write it down for posterity.

Mrs. Blimes said...

i love your blog trevor! lol

The Miller Family said...

That's too funny Trevor! I love stories passed down from way back when...good times.

Please tell Jen I said hi!