Thursday, May 29, 2008

Quick Update on the Life and Times....

A quick refresher for everyone on our little family.

Jen is still working at the Tallahassee Neurological Clinic, where life isn't so bad. It isn't where she wants to end up, but, for now while we are childless and I am still studying, it pays the bills.

I am still employed by Capital City Bank, until August 15th when I will make a mad dash for the door and never turn back... except when I have to come and handle personal banking business I guess... CCB has been really good to me in a lot of ways while I've been an undergraduate, but it is time to move on and focus on a career, not just a job.

Yoshi is fully recovered (as far as we know) and is still on his Vitamin K treatment to boost his clotting factors. He has been sorta aggressive towards other dogs since the fiasco, we need to call the vets in Gainesville to see if this is normal. Either way, he will probably be going to obedience school for a quick minute just to get some refreshers (he is great at home, not great other places.)

In August I will be starting a Master's Program in Higher Education at Florida State. I am very excited to get back into school and hopefully I'll never leave again (though once I finish the degree I hope they will pay me to administrate something in some capacity.) I am currently applying for assistantships... so pray for me, because I do not want to be in debt. My end goal is to work in some administrative capacity in the Athletic Department (preferably in Academic Support, but I wouldn't turn my nose up at anything they offer me post-graduation.)

Just so you know, it is 67 days until my birthday. I want a lionfish, an iPod, and a digital camera. Pass it on.


Unknown said...

Great update! I love your blog, and your dog, and that you have such a great wife! Isn't it great to leave behind an old job that didn't mesh so well with you? I just finished my last day of a teacher....and now I have two months of freedom to look forward too!

Way to go on the Masters! I got mine at NYU, didn't get an assistantship, so know about the debt, avoid at all costs!!!

Your comments on punctuation totally cracked me up!

Micah said...

I'm really excited for you, Trevor. It looks like your life is on an upward trajectory (and has been for some time).

Tat said...

I'm so so glad we get to see you guys soon.

Also, lionfish are cool. I can see why you want one. Remember that scene in Naked Gun 33 1/3 where he puts the priceless pen through the priceless fish... that was a lionfish, wasn't it?

Unknown said...

Lish and I will get you all of those things for your birthday, plus some cake. We'll go into debt just to make sure you're happy. That's how cool we are.

The Trevor said...