Friday, May 16, 2008


So Meredith (lil sis) called me today to announce she had found some odd picture of me somewhere on the WWW. It is a guy hanging out near black people (sounds like me), with a goofy grin (sounds like me), and striking an awkward pose (again, sounds like me.)

The thing is, it isn't me. I was never that tall, thin, or owned that shirt. She found my doppelgänger. I'm kinda freakin' out right now, cause the dude does look an awful lot like me... enjoy.


Unknown said...

Look out Trevor, i've heard of these "Doppelgangers." He may be getting into your bank account, driving your car, or having sex with your wife. You should look into these things.

Tat said...

I agree with Lance- you should make sure that this Trevor impersonator isn't secretly taking over your life. Establish a secret code word or something with Jen - maybe always have her ask "you" something that only the real Trevor would know. That way, Evil Trevor won't knock da boots with your lady.

Jenn said...

Hey Trevor, it's Jenn Stansel(used to be Hunt)! How are ya? Are you sure that picture isn't you?

Lish Harris said...

It does look like you, but he is better looking.