Friday, April 18, 2008

Crazy Cup Stacking!!!

6.69 seconds.

I seriously used to do this for an hour every day when I worked at Hawks Rise Elementary. My best time was 9.7 seconds, but most of the time I was around 11 or 12 seconds.

This kid recently set the world record at 6.21 seconds for the full "cycle". (I couldn't find the video anywhere online, but I did see it on PTI)

The "cycle" includes 3 individual stacking formations, a 3-6-3, a 6-6, and a 10 to finish.

This activity is becoming very popular in elementary schools all 'round the country, promoting hand-eye coordination and dexterity. Honestly, I love cup stacking (I know, I'm weird) but the kids of this generation don't need more hand-eye coordination and dexterity (our old excuse about how video games were good for you)... they really just need to run and learn how to enjoy actual exercise.

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