Wednesday, July 8, 2009

IM Bowling

Intramural Bowling started tonight... and in accordance with Lish's wishes (rhyme time!) I will be posting my scores, as he does not believe I bowl in the neighborhood of 15o.

I bowled 5 games, and though I'm not one to make excuses... my arm/hand were falling off the last 2 games.

1st - 182
2nd - 141
3rd - 161
4th - 110
5th - 133

That is a total average of: 145.4

I will continue to post the scores, in order to appease Lish's evil desire to see me fail.

Overall, the team of Kyre, Mark, and myself lost 11-4, after a great 4-1 start.... next time Kyre and I won't practice beforehand.... and we may have a shot.

Diet Update: I fell off the wagon... soda is too good. Send me messages of encouragement (nice ones and mean ones) to get me back to where I should be.


Tat said...

There's a couple of things I've learned from your blog: 1) Lish is evil. 2) It's fun to play practical jokes on Lish. 3) You need to go back off soda! Or at least limit yourself to one serving/day.


Kellie said...

When does my blog get to make the list of "people I like:"?

You can live without sodas. If I can live without chocolate, the internet (23.5 hours a day), and hot showers, you can live without a soda.

If you're out of shape for flag football season, I'm cutting you from the team.

Now, for some positive encouragement--

YOU CAN DO IT! Stick with it. Find suitable alternatives--like flavored carbonated water. I'm serious, they still them in Publix in little liter bottles and they are a great alternative to soda. Buy some of those crystal light packets too. Flavor your water. Totally makes a difference.

Camille said...

What's your soda replacement? Milk? Water? Juice?

Kate said...

Bribe yourself. Steve got a new Wii game last time he made it 2 months without fast food :)

Lish said...

I hope you drink soda until you explode. And 145 is not 150. Nice try.